Welcome aboard the USS Victorious NCC-40967-A. A Tampa Bay based Sci-Fi Fan Club with members in Clearwater, Largo, St. Petersburg and Tampa. Original commissioned on November 4th, 1995, we are now in our 25th year.
The chapter formed in November 1995 and the fictional timeline of the chapter was originally set in the Trek calendar year of 2383. To help you understand the timeline, The Star Trek: Voyager series ended in the Trek calendar of 2378; Star Trek: Nemesis movie was set in the Trek calendar year of 2379.
Originally inspired by “Star Trek”, the USS Victorious NCC-40967-A is a science fiction and fantasy fan club that embraces everything from Captain James Kirk to Doctor Who. The USS Victorious also participates in many events that includes, but is not limited to: Cookouts, movies, parties or celebrations, trips to local tourist attractions, and Sci-Fi conventions.
When a person signs aboard the USS Victorious NCC-40967-A, the member may choose to serve within one of the chapter’s departments listed below:
- Command
- Communications
- Operations
- Engineering
- Medical
- Science
- Security
- Support Service
- Diplomatic Corps
Membership to the USS Victorious NCC-40967-A is open to any Task Force 31 member in good standing, although the USS Victorious NCC-40967-A is classified as a meeting chapter, so we use several communications mediums to keep in touch and reach the membership base. At present we use the old standards of land-mail and telephone tree, as well as the Internet such as: emailing and our chapter Facebook page. We have monthly meetings at one of the local restaurants.
Each member of the USS Victorious NCC-40967-A is entitled to and will receive the following in an electronic format:
- ID Card (chapter)
- Membership Handbook
- Promotion Certificates as earned
- Award Certificates as earned
- Membership Certificate
We’re also dedicated to making the world a better place. Not all members participate in our community service projects. To understand further, let’s beam down for a moment to Afghanistan, where U.S. soldiers have received care packages from USS Victorious NCC-40967-A members. Here in the Tampa Bay area, we’ve collected Labels for Education and during the holidays we collect donations for the areas Toys for Tots campaign and the Angel Tree Project. We’ve also participated in food can drives and recycling.
That’s just an example of how our community service is actually global service and because of our efforts to embrace the ideals of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, we’re doing our part to meet his vision of a better world.
Finally, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact either the Commanding Officer or First Officer listed below:
Live long and prosper!
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Commanding Officer | First Officer | Master Chief Petty Officer |
Mark Anderson | Mike Mayeux | Position Vacant |
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DISCLAIMER: “Star Trek” ® and all related characters, names, graphics, pictures and related materials are the trademarks or property rights of “CBS” ®, “Paramount Pictures” ®, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® and “Viacom” ®. The information, text, graphics, pictures and any other materials whether contained within this manual or referring to other sources is not intended to infringe upon any of the rights of “Paramount Pictures” ®, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® or “Viacom” ®, but as either discussion or news information, as protected by Constitutional Law under the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States of America.