The USS George Washington NCC-7374, a MacArthur-Class Heavy Carrier, a Correspondence Chapter of STARFLEET TASK FORCE 31. located in Newport, Rhode Island.
Within the Task Force 31, we are a part of Sector Fifteen.
The Captain and Crew of the USS George Washington NCC-7374 welcome you to our chapters home on the world wide web.
Originally inspired by “Star Trek”, the USS George Washington is a science fiction and fantasy fan club that embraces anything from Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who and much more.
Correspondence Chapters are chapters where a group of fans who are geographically separated or may have constraints on their time that would not allow them to participate in a regular meeting chapter.
Even though we are geographically separated, we still strive to make a difference. Some of the ways we contribute are: SETI@Home, Galaxy Zoo, donating used ink cartridges to Pet Smart Charities, recycling of household materials that can be reused (paper, glass, plastic, aluminum and metal cans), collecting Box Tops for Education and donating blood.
Crewmembers of the USS George Washington also participates in many other activities that includes, but is not limited to cookouts, movies, conventions, trips to local attractions such as the Battleship Cove, Ft Adams and the RI Zoo.
When a person signs aboard the USS George Washington, the member chooses to serve within one of the chapter’s ten departments:
- Command
- Communications
- Operations
- Engineering
- Medical
- Science
- Security
- Support Services
- Diplomatic Corps
- MACO’s
Membership to the USS George Washington is open to any Task Force 31 member in good standing, the USS George Washington is classified as a correspondence chapter we use several communications mediums to keep in touch and reach the membership base. At present we use email, listserv, Facebook, messaging and snail mail for those members without internet.
Each member of the USS George Washington is entitled to:
- ID Card
- Membership Handbook
- 6 issues of the bi-monthly newsletter called “THE FEDERALIST”
- Promotion Certificates as earned
- Award Certificates as earned
- Membership Certificate
The crewmembers of the USS George Washington chose the chapter name to honor one of our nations founding fathers, President George Washington and to honor all the brave sailors and marines who have served and continue to serve on the United States Aircraft Carrier, the USS George Washington CVN-73.

I hope you enjoy your tour of the USS George Washington and if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me at ussgwco@gmail.com
Live long and prosper!
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Commanding Officer | First Officer | Master Chief Petty Officer |
David Richards | Joel Richards | Position Vacant |
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DISCLAIMER: “Star Trek” ® and all related characters, names, graphics, pictures and related materials are the trademarks or property rights of “CBS” ®, “Paramount Pictures” ®:, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® and “Viacom” ®. The information, text, graphics, pictures and any other materials whether contained within this manual or referring to other sources is not intended to infringe upon any of the rights of “Paramount Pictures” ®, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® or “Viacom” ®, but as either discussion or news information, as protected by Constitutional Law under the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States of America.