
USS Russell Casse NCC-7496

Welcome to the official website of the USS Russell Casse NCC-7496. The USS Russell Casse has now been re-launched as a chapter of Starfleet Task Force 31 and we are located in the Greeley, CO area. As a meeting and online group, we meet and communicate over both in person meetings for those who can and over the internet for those who live too far to make meetings or have other commitments where they cannot participate physically in our in-person meetings, and the crew is spread across Colorado. Several members manage to perform several hours of community service each month throughout the year. We also partake in several programs available from Starfleet Task Force 31 such as the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO and along with several programs operated within Starfleet Task Force 31. Feel free to have a look around, and again welcome to the USS Russell Casse!

We conduct our meetings monthly either by in-person meetings, email or teleconference when possible.

You may contact the ship’s captain through the contact form in the “Contact Us” page. The captain will provide you with instructions on how to join the USS Russell Casse. At any rate, we would love to have you aboard. Please continue reading to learn more about the USS Russell Casse.

We are always looking for new and exciting things to do as a chapter, so please contact us if you would like more information about how to join the USS Russell Casse.

When a person signs aboard the USS Russell Casse, the member may choose to serve within one of the chapter’s 9 departments:

Support Services

Each member of the USS Russell Casse is entitled to:

ID Card
Membership Handbook
Promotion Certificates as earned
Award Certificates as earned
Membership Certificate

* All membership items are provided electronically in pdf format.

Finally, if you have any questions, please contact me at co@uss-russellcasse.org

Commanding OfficerFirst OfficerMaster Chief Petty Officer
FCPT Jared FinkenbinderCDR Shellie BernardinVacant

DISCLAIMER: “Star Trek” ® and all related characters, names, graphics, pictures and related materials are the trademarks or property rights of “CBS” ®, “Paramount Pictures” ®, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® and “Viacom” ®. The information, text, graphics, pictures and any other materials whether contained within this manual or referring to other sources is not intended to infringe upon any of the rights of “Paramount Pictures” ®, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® or “Viacom” ®, but as either discussion or news information, as protected by Constitutional Law under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America

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