


2024 Annual Awards for the STF31 level is accepting nominations via the STF31 Awards Portal. The Portal will close for nominations on July 15, 2024.

Chapters and Sectors should already be conducting their awards for 2024. A reminder for COs and SCs to include the awardees in your monthly report. Chapters should finish their awards by the 5 June Report.

Sector Chiefs should have completed the Sector Awards NLT 5 July and send in a report of your awardees.

Com Paul G Dyl, Director, Fleet Personnel Operations

It is with great pleasure to announce the Starfleet Task Force 31 Annual Award recipients for 2022!

***** Attention to Orders*****

The following STF31 Awards are announced for the 2022 Annual Chapter Awards Cycle.

STF31 Officer of the Year for 2022 is Commander John Mogilka Jr (Station Robert De Bruce SFR-102)

STF31 Enlisted Member of the Year for 2022 is Petty Officer Second Class Paula Mulvey (USS Excalibur NCC-26517)

STF31 Junior Member of the Year for 2022 is Cadet Xander Reynolds (USS Gallifrey NCV-4744391)

STF31 Flag Officer of the Year for 2022 is Admiral Paul C. Dyl (USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494)

STF31 Commanding Officer of the Year for 2022 is Admiral Mark Anderson (USS Victorious NCC-40967-A)

STF31 Support Chapter of the Year for 2022 is the USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494.

STF31 Shuttle of the Year for 2022 is the Shuttle Lynx NX-8491.

STF31 Chapter of the Year for 2022 is USS Victorious NCC-40967-A.

Newsletter of the Year for 2022 is not awarded due to no submissions.

Website of the Year for 2022 is the Starfleet Task Force 31 MACO.

Publication of the Year for 2022 is not awarded due to no submissions.

FADM Paul C. Dyl

Commander, Starfleet Task Force 31


********** Attention to Orders **********

In accordance with the Starfleet Task Force 31 Flag Officer Promotion Policy, the following individuals are appointed to and promoted in rank to the following individuals:

Lance Dyl appointed to Sector Chief of Sector One, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Gary Daniels appointed to Sector Chief of Sector Three, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Charles Phillips Jr appointed to Sector Chief of Sector Four, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Ken Coots appointed to Sector Chief of Sector Six, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Patrick Dyl appointed to Sector Chief of Sector Eight, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Joshua Fike appointed to Sector Chief of Sector Nine, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Joel Ehl appointed to Sector Chief of Sector Thirteen, promoted to the rank of Commodore, effective date 202303.01

Congratulations to you all,

FADM Paul C. Dyl

Commander, Starfleet Task Force 31

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