
History- USS Starward Fury

The idea to form a STARFLEET TASK FORCE 31 chapter in Fayetteville, NC has long been conceived since the loss of the USS Freedom. The previous chapters named USS STARWARD Fury dates back to the 1990s when she was a Federation Class Dreadnaught and then after several years and a new chapter CO, she was relaunched as a Defiant Class until the mid 2012-time frame when she decommissioned. Fayetteville had a chapter called the USS Freedom but after the unexpected passing of their CO, the new CO decided to leave STF31. This gap opened the opportunity to finally relaunch the USS Starward Fury and her class would be the Vengeance Class Intel Dreadnaught. On September 1, 2022 the Shuttle Starward Fury was officially launched with Captain Eddie Riddle as her CO and Commander Christine Young as her First Officer.

Now for the next five (5) months we begin our shakedown cruise and build a foundation for strong and viable Star Trek Fan Club.

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Past and Present Commanders of the USS Starward Fury

Captain Eddie Riddle
202209.01 – Present
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