
History- USS Liberty

The history of the USS Liberty starts in July 2000 when Commodore Paul Dyl decided to start a new chapter of STARFLEET in the Panama City Beach, FL area. The group elected Commodore Dyl as the shuttle Commanding Officer and Ensign Margie Dyl as the first Officer.  The Shuttle Liberty was officially launched on August 15, 2000 in Region 2 with the USS Continuum NCC-71821 as the support ship.

For the first nine months the chapter organized itself into a very organized and productive chapter. The Shuttle Liberty primarily operated in the Panama City, FL area. During these nine months the chapter grew from the original size of 10 and grew to 48 before she was commissioned 9 months after her launch.  The chapter participated in numerous events supporting such activities as Can Food Drives, Collection of clothing for the needy, recycling of aluminum cans, The Angel Tree Project, Campbell Soup Labells for Education to name just a few.

On July 4, 2001 the Shuttle Liberty was officially commissioned as the Liberty NCC-75012 under the command of Commodore Paul Dyl and Commander Margie Dyl as the First Officer. The following months saw great growth and activity. The chapter participated in the R2 campout and the R2 Summit that was held in Mobile, AL in 2001.

Later that month of July 2001, Commodore Paul Dyl was approved to return back to the Active Duty military and was reassigned back to North Carolina. To keep the chapter in R2, a change of command took place where as Commander Margie Dyl assumed the position of Commanding Officer and Commodore Paul Dyl became the First Officer.  In October 2003, Commodore Paul Dyl’s unit was alerted for deployment and upon his return in February 2005, he found that the USS Liberty had been decommissioned.

Original LogoFounding RegionSupport chapter

In July 2014, members of the USS Helen Pawlowski decided that the days of large chapters was in the past and decided to take on the challenges of starting a new chapter. Rear Admiral Paul Dyl, the Commanding Officer of the USS Helen Pawlowski suggested the name for the new chapter, the USS Liberty.  Some of the shuttle members had actually been crewmembers of the original USS Liberty and after a meeting of the new crew, it was fully supported that the name would be the USS Liberty.

On August 16, 2014 the chapter was officially launched as the USS Liberty with the USS Ronald E. McNair, commanded by Rear Admiral Pam Michaud as the USS Liberty’s support chapter.

Original LogoFounding RegionSupport Chapter

On May 12, 12015 the USS Liberty completed her nine month shakedown cruise and was officially commissioned as the USS Liberty NCC-75012. The ship has now completed her first year as a commissioned chapter of STARFLEET.

The chapter was originally founded in St. Paul’s, NC but in August 2016, the chapter moved to Whiteville, NC replacing the USS Helen Pawlowski and USS Bellerophon which relocated to Region 15. The chapter continued as a correspondence chapter operating in the Whiteville, NC area participating in many community service activities such as the Campbell Soup Labels for Education, Care packages to our troops overseas, Toys for Tots, and the Christmas Angel Tree. The chapter also conducts many activities such as trips to the North Carolina Zoo, North Carolina Children’s Museum, cookouts, and trips to the beach.

Chapter Logo 2015Chapter Logo 2017

On July 1, 2018, with growing unhappiness with the current Region One leadership, the crew voted to leave STARFLEET and decommission.

On February 1, 2020 several previous crewmembers of the USS Liberty decided to make the attempt to gather further support in an effort to re-launch the USS Liberty. The home region would be Region 2, the original region that the USS Liberty first started out back in July 2000.

Due to the Coronius 19 Virus, plans were put aside during the Months of March through May 2020 do to hardships created from the virus.

On June 1st as the state began to ease the stay-at-home lock downs and businesses began to slowly open, the proposed crewmembers of the USS Liberty began the process to get the chapter re-launched.

On May 21, 2021, the chapter was officially re-launched with the USS Victorious becoming our Support chapter. Our first 9 months, also known as the shakedown cruise, was smooth sailing. During that time the chapter organized in greater details, chapter publications were completed, and a chapter logo was approved by the crew. We also adopted several community service projects, such as the Toys for Tots, Angel Tree, Recycling and sending care packages to deployed soldiers from the local National Guard unit.

Chapter Original LogoFounding RegionSupport Chapter

Upon completion of our nine-month shakedown cruise, the USS Liberty was officially commissioned on February 21, 2022. The USS Liberty left Starbase 2 and begun patrolling it’s assigned area. (Bonifay, FL).

Current Logo 2022Sector Four Logo

The Future?

The Chapter has earned the following awards:

R2 Shuttle of the Year (2001)

R2 Best Newsletter Graphics (2001)

R2 Most Informative Newsletter (2001)

R2 Best Newsletter Presentation of the Year (2001)

R2 Second Place for Best Newsletter Cover of the Year (2001)

The following are members who while serving aboard the USS LIBERTY served in positions at the Regional or STAFLEET levels.


Commodore Paul Dyl-R2 Publicity Officer (2001)


Captain Jessica Reynolds-Director, STARFLEET Officer’s Leadership College (October 2015-February 2018)

Previous Commanding Officers of the USS Liberty

Commodore Paul C. DylCaptain Margaret DylCaptain Jessica Reynolds
200008.15 – 200204.01200204.02 – 200402.28201408.16 – 201807.01
Commodore Charles Phillips Jr
202105.22 – Present

USS Liberty Shuttle Bay Launches

USS Stargazer NX-82893Sagan202302.01202307.01
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