
History- USS Draco

The USS Draco NCC-82891 began its journey as a correspondence independent Star Trek fan club. The crew started out as just a friendly group of online friends who shared Star Trek and Science Fiction in common. A member of our group expressed in interest in forming a more formal group and set a goal of becoming a chapter of STARFLEET TASK FORCE 31.

On April 25, 2022, we formally named our group the USS Draco and petitioned to become a chapter of STARFLEET TASK FORCE 31. On May 12, 2022, the USS Draco was officially launched as a shuttle with our Support Chapter, the Station Robert De Bruce.

Now our nine (9) month shakedown cruise begins!

Logo 2022Founding SectorCurrent Support Chapter

Previous Chapter Commanding Officers

Captain Jessica Daniels
202204.25 – Present
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