
History of the USS Prometheus


Our story begins in April 2022 when My family and I decided we wanted to start our own chapter in STARFLEET International. After some additional recruiting, we began the work needed so that we could become the STARFLEET chapter. First the crew voted on who will become the Chapter Commanding Officer and who would become the Chapter First Officer. Once that was completed, the two began taking and completing the required STARFLEET Academy courses required by the Commanding Officer and the First Officer. We also contacted the CO of the USS Helen Pawlowski to ask if she would become our Support Chapter. Admiral Paul Dyl agreed, and we began to work on our website which would be placed on the Task Force 31 which we had already affiliated with back in early April 2022.

Next was to decide as a crew what to call ourselves and what type of vessel we wanted to be. Our first choice was the USS Explorer NCC-80105 (Luna Class) but we had waited too long to contact the STARFLEET Department of Technical Services (DTS) to reserve our Name and NCC. Another group had requested the name just a few days prior to our request. We went back to look over other possible choices and it was voted on by all the proposed members to name us the USS Prometheus NCC-74913. A Prometheus Class Long Range Tactical Cruiser. The ship was actually seen during an episode of Star Trek Voyager and plenty of information and resources were readily available. Shortly we will submit the required paperwork to begin our journey as a Chapter of STARFLEET.

On June 16, 2022 the USS Prometheus was officially launched as a chapter of STARFLEET. Our 9 month shakedown cruise begins.

Our shakedown cruise was cut short after only being launched 2 months ago. Information was given to our crew pertaining to issues taken place in STARFFLET that we were not aware of that puts into question the conduct of senior members of the organization that is in no way what Star Trek represents. With these revelations the crew decided not to stay with STARFLEET but to go in another direction, which is to be a chapter of STARFLEET TASK FORCE 31.

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Previous Commanders of the USS Prometheus

Captain Sonny Rothwell
202204.01 – Present
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