
History- USS Gallifrey

The USS Gallifrey is in its beginning stages as a chapter of Task Force Carolinas which would later become Task Force 31. The chapter was formed on 1 December 2014 but was officially launched on 19 January 2015 with the USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494 as the Support Ship, commanded by RADM Paul Dyl.

The name “Gallifrey” comes from another SCI-FI television series called Doctor Who. With many of the members being fans of the show, they decided to incorporate those features into the chapter. Gallifrey is the home world of the Time Lords, thus the name and class of the ship that represents the chapter.

The initial crew were members of the USS Helen Pawlowski who decided that there was a need for a correspondence chapter in the northeastern part of South Carolina. Many of the crew are scattered across the United States such as North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Commander Katie Staples was elected to lead the chapter as the Commanding Officer and Gary Daniels as the First Officer. The first few months have been devoted to organization of the chapter and setting up a good foundation for the chapter to further build on as she grows.

In June 2015, the chapter CO found herself in a family situation which demanded her full attention and made the choice to step down as the commanding officer and return to the position of Chief Science Officer.  In July 2015, LCMDR Gary Daniels who had been serving as the First Officer was elected to replace CMDR Katie Staples as the new chapter CO. Captain Daniels first official act as the CO was to appoint Carl Mogilka as the new First Officer.

The chapter completed her shakedown cruise and now begins her first year as a commissioned chapter of Task Force 31

Original LogoFounding SectorSupport Chapter Logo

For a few years, the USS Gallifrey participated in sending care packages to U.S. Military personnel serving overseas, collecting and donating canned food items to a local church food closet, supporting children during the holiday season by participating in the USMCR Toys for Tots and a local Angel Tree Project which the USS Gallifrey sponsored two children each year.

The USS Gallifrey also held several movie nights, Thanksgiving Dinner for members of the crew who lived close by to the USS Gallifrey Commanding Officer. The Chapter also had members taking trips to places like Myrtle Beach, SC, the NC Zoo and NC Aquarium.

The USS Gallifrey for a short time had decided to disband the chapter due to real life events for many of the crew. But on July 30, 2020 the crew reformed and relaunched as the USS Gallifrey with the Station Robert De Bruce as the support chapter.

2020 Logo2022 Current LogoSupport Chapter Logo

During the next nine (9) months while on her shakedown cruise, the USS Gallifrey continued to her activities and projects just as she has in the past. On April; 30, 2021 the USS Gallifrey was official re-commissioned as a chapter of Task Force 31.

Shuttles Launched by the USS Gallifrey

Shuttle NameShip ClassLaunch DateCommissioning Date
USS Titan NX-80102Luna Class Explorer202110.01202206.30
USS Pendragon NX-93720Vengeance Class Dreadnaught202204.27202209.27
USS Explorer NX-70493Parliament Class202209.01202302.01
USS Starward Fury NX-2122Vengeance Class Dreadnaught202209.01202302.01
USS Archimedes NX-83002Obena Class202209.01202302.01

Previous Commanding Officers of the USS Gallifrey

Captain Katie StaplesCaptain Gary DanielsCommodore Gary Daniels
(201412 – 201506)(201507 – 201710)(202007 – Present)

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