
All posts by Paul Dyl

Welcome to the official website of the USS Excalibur NCC-26517. The USS Excalibur is a correspondence chapter of STARFLEET TASK FORCE 31, based out of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

As a correspondence chapter, we are quite free in our capabilities to support our community, but that comes at a cost of direct contact with each other. However, by serving as a correspondence chapter, we are proud to have members from several states. At present, we have members from the US states of South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida and Rhode Island. Several members have performed hundreds if not thousands of hours of community service collectively each year. Feel free to have a look around, and again welcome to the USS Excalibur!

In the more realistic world, we are a correspondence chapter.  This means that we do not officially meet in person.  All chapter business is held through correspondence, generally by email.  We are presently assigned to the Rhode Island sector of Task Force 31 Sector Fifteen.  The majority of our members participate as regular Fleet while others participate in the Task Force 31 MACOs.

As a member of Task Force 31, you may contact the ship’s captain through the contact form in the “Contact Us” page. The captain will provide you with instructions on how to join Task Force 31 and the USS Excalibur. You may also join Task Force 31 by using the link to the right which will provide you with information on how to join Task Force 31. At any rate, we would love to have you aboard. Please continue reading to learn more about the USS Excalibur.

The USS Excalibur is registered under the vessel registry NCC-26517 as an Ambassador-Class Exploratory Cruiser. As an exploratory cruiser, our assignment is to continue the mission of exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new life. As such, we participate primarily in deep space exploration, first contact missions and charting. It is our mission to go where no starship has been before and bring that information back to Starfleet Command.

We are always looking for new and exciting things to do as a chapter of Task Force 31, so please contact us if you would like more information about how to join the USS Excalibur or Task Force 31.

Those who chose to join the USS Excalibur:

When a person signs aboard the USS Excalibur, the member may choose to serve within one of the chapter’s 10 departments:

  • Command
  • Communications
  • Operations
  • Engineering
  • Medical
  • Science
  • Security
  • Support Services
  • Diplomatic Corps
  • MACO

Each member of the USS Excalibur is entitled to:

  • ID Card
  • Membership Handbook (electronic copy)
  • 6 issues of the bi-monthly newsletter called “THE SWORD & THE STONE”
  • Promotion Certificates as earned
  • Award Certificates as earned
  • Membership Certificate

* All items are provided electronically

  • Note: By joining the USS Excalibur, you are giving your permission to store your membership information in the Starfleet Task Force 31 database. The Chapter Command Staff (Chapter CO, Chapter XO, Chapter SCPO and Department Chiefs) can have their names, photo and email contact listed on chapter publications and website. Individual members name and chapter duty position can be listed in chapter publications and website. No other information will be listed or shared.

Finally, if you have any questions, please contact any one of the command group members listed below:

Commanding OfficerFirst OfficerSenior Chief Petty Officer
Heather FikeRobert Dyl JrPosition Vacant

DISCLAIMER:  “Star Trek” ® and all related characters, names, graphics, pictures and related materials are the trademarks or property rights of “CBS” ®, “Paramount Pictures” ®:, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® and “Viacom” ®. The information, text, graphics, pictures and any other materials whether contained within this manual or referring to other sources is not intended to infringe upon any of the rights of “Paramount Pictures” ®, “Paramount Pictures Entertainment Co.” ® or “Viacom” ®, but as either discussion or news information, as protected by Constitutional Law under the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States of America.


For all those looking for Star Trek merchandise, PLEASE beware of Costume Costume Custome, other wise known as Joseph Kerezman or

A few of the regional chapters to include some of the regional awards that Paul Dyl was having made for the Region Awards Program has had an order with him for TOS award patches since August 19, 2017 for the amount of $470.00 and not only did we not get our order, we asked for a refund and still nothing. He does good work, but he is very inconsistent in his business ethics, communications is very poor and solely recommend not to use this person.



Greetings again members of Region 15 & marines of the 15th Brigade;

I wanted to follow up with you all regarding the SFMC annual awards. To date we have received 3 nominations and are looking forward to more. So I encourage you all to spread the word about the SFMC Awards and think about nominating one of the marines in your Chapter/Unit for one of the Valor or Merit awards.

Take a look at the list of awards at the end of this post and write a nomination for one of the Marines on your team. Remember while the recipient of the awards does need to be either and active or reserve member of the SFMC, nominations can be submitted by anyone. Also remember that you are not limited to the marines in your chapter/unit. You can nominate any marine in the Brigade for an award. The nomination phase will continue till Friday June 22nd. Please send all nominations and questions to me at The Brigade awards committee is excited to see the different nominations we receive.

The Brigade’s Annual Awards, referred to as “Valor Awards” are fairly straight forward. Much like the region’s annual awards, they are meant to recognize the Brigade’s best in specific categories. As the word annual implies, these awards are designed to recognize activity during the entire 2017 calendar year. They are:

Marine of the Year,
Officer of the Year,
Volunteer of the Year
Unit of the Year.

When considering nominations for these recognitions it may be helpful to bear in mind that these marines selected will be our nominees to be recognized as the SFMC’s best.

In addition to these awards, there are a number of recognitions available to recognize contributions by members of the Brigade in a variety of areas. As these are not annual awards, there is a time requirement on most of these that the activity for which the marine is being recognized must have taken place within the last 6 months.

Brigade Service Commendation: Issued by the Brigade OIC, this award recognizes marines for exceptional service to the Brigade over a period of time. To be eligible for this award, the nominee needs to have served in an official capacity for at least 6 months.

SFMC Achievement Award: Issued by the Brigade OIC, this is similar to the Brigade Service commendation except it is for a specific service or task. The accomplishment should be of regional significance and reflect favorably on the Brigade.

Meritorious Unit Citation: Given to an MSG for either consistently outstanding performance over time or for a specific accomplishment of a high standard. This awards neither recommends unit for or precludes unit from the Unit of the Year.

If you would like to know more about the awards you can reference Section 8 of the Marine Force Manual via the following link.
If you’d like to see a marine recognized and you don’t see an award that fits, please reach out to either myself or Tom Guertin, the BDE OIC at and we will be happy to provide guidance. It is important to note this list only includes awards issued at the Brigade level. There are also many awards issued from the corps level as well.

LGN Paul “Ratchet” Fest, SFMC
95th Martian Modulators, USS Ares NCC-63591
Operations Officer, 15th Brigade, SFMC



The voting phase of the R15 RC election has officially closed. I have tabulated the votes and submitted the results to the Commander STARFLEET.

He will announce who won the election. 91% of the chapters in the region participated in the election. I want to thank you all for participating.

Live long and prosper,

Commodore Stephen Stott
Inspector General STARFLEET



Region 15 COs,

Your voting phase for selecting your Regional Coordinator closes at 11:59 PM EST tonight. I have received votes from the following chapters:

USS George Washington
USS Panther
USS Lexington
USS Helen Pawlowski
USS Darwin
USS Roger Williams
USS Hood
USS Nelson
USS Narraganset
USS Ares

Good luck to all the candidates:

Paul Dyl
Corey Grant
James Knotts

If you have not sent in your vote yet please do so to me at ig@….

Live long and prosper,

Commodore Stephen Stott



Region 15,

As of this date the following people are candidates:

Paul Dyl
Corey Grant
James Knotts

The following chapter COs have submitted a vote:

USS George Washington
USS Panther
USS Lexington
USS Helen Pawlowski
USS Darwin
USS Hood
USS Nelson
USS Narraganset
USS Ares

The deadline for vote submissions from COs is May 30, 2018. Please submit
your votes to me at by that date. This will be my last update
before the close of the voting period. On the May 31 after I tally the
votes I will send the results of who won to the Commander STARFLEET and
will alert the candidates of what percentage of votes they received. If
you sent me a vote and I sent you a acknowledgement notice but don’t see
your chapter listed please email me so I can verify that you voted. Thank

Live long and prosper,

Commodore Stephen Stott
Inspector General STARFLEET



Region 15,

As of this date the following personnel are candidates for the position of
RC for your Region:

Paul Dyl
Corey Grant
James Knotts

The following chapters have submitted a vote as of this date:

USS George Washington
USS Panther
USS Lexington
USS Helen Pawlowski
USS Darwin
USS Hood
USS Narraganset

Chapter COs that have not submitted their vote please do so. Email me at

Live long and prosper,

Commodore Stephen Stott
Inspector General STARFLEET



The awards listed on the links appearing on the side bar on the right are officially recognized by SFI Region Fifteen. These regional awards recognize SFI Region Fifteen members, chapters and associates for outstanding and significant service, deeds, accomplishments and achievements. Awards that are issued by other programs in STARFLEET, such as the MACO, SFMC, SFI, SFA and SFMED are not listed in the awards manual or this site. For more information on those programs, please feel free to use the links listed below:

For STARFLEET awards criteria: and

For STARFLEET Academy awards criteria:

For SFMC awards criteria:

For MACO awards criteria:

These awards are recognized from the chapter (ship or installation) level to the regional level, thus in order to keep the program as simple as possible, there are no different levels of the same awards. Instead, the awards are appropriate for the action or accomplishment being cited.

Carefully read the award criteria in order to determine the appropriate award for recommendation. All awards are listed in the descending order or precedence. An explanation of the ribbons (TOS style or TWOK style) and devices are described in the awards manual and this site.


Greetings members of Region 15 & marines of the 15th Brigade;

With 2018 well under way we find it is time once again to consider recognizing the work and efforts of the marines in your chapter/unit by nominating them for one of the SFMC annual awards. This is important for the Brigade as it of course gives credit and a well deserved pat on the back to a marine who deserves the recognition by going above and beyond the call of duty. It also helps us reflect on the past year and the fun things we did, and inspires us to move forward to new adventures. I encourage everyone to read the list of awards at the end of this post and really think about the marines that you interact with here in the Region/Brigade. Take some time to consider recognizing one by writing a nomination. While the recipient of the awards does need to be either and active or reserve member of the SFMC nominations can be submitted by anyone. Also remember that you are not limited to the marines in your chapter/unit. You can nominate any marine in the Brigade for an award.

While the focus at this time is the annual awards you will notice that the different merit awards are listed as well. Feel free to nominate someone for one of those as well. The official nomination phase will go from now till Friday June 22nd. Please send all nominations and questions to me at All the members of the Brigade awards committee look forward to reading the different nominations we receive. So look over the awards, put your thinking caps on, and have some fun writing a nomination for one of the many deserving members of the 15th Brigade.

The Brigade’s Annual Awards, referred to as “Valor Awards” are fairly straight forward. Much like the region’s annual awards, they are meant to recognize the Brigade’s best in specific categories. As the word annual implies, these awards are designed to recognize activity during the entire 2017 calendar year. They are:

Marine of the Year,
Officer of the Year,
Volunteer of the Year
Unit of the Year.

When considering nominations for these recognitions it may be helpful to bear in mind that these marines selected will be our nominees to be recognized as the SFMC’s best.
In addition to these awards, there are a number of recognitions available to recognize contributions by members of the Brigade in a variety of areas. As these are not annual awards, there is a time requirement on most of these that the activity for which the marine is being recognized must have taken place within the last 6 months.

Brigade Service Commendation: Issued by the Brigade OIC, this award recognizes marines for exceptional service to the Brigade over a period of time. To be eligible for this award, the nominee needs to have served in an official capacity for at least 6 months.

SFMC Achievement Award: Issued by the Brigade OIC, this is similar to the Brigade Service commendation except it is for a specific service or task. The accomplishment should be of regional significance and reflect favorably on the Brigade.

Meritorious Unit Citation: Given to an MSG for either consistently outstanding performance over time or for a specific accomplishment of a high standard. This awards neither recommends unit for or precludes unit from the Unit of the Year.

If you would like to know more about the awards you can reference Section 8 of the Marine Force Manual via the following link.

If you’d like to see a marine recognized and you don’t see an award that fits, please reach out to either myself or Tom Guertin, the BDE OIC at and we will be happy to provide guidance. It is important to note this list only includes awards issued at the Brigade level. There are also many awards issued from the corps level as well.

LGN Paul “Ratchet” Fest, SFMC
95th Martian Modulators, USS Ares NCC-63591
Operations Officer, 15th Brigade, SFMC