The USS Bellerophon started out as a chapter of STARFLEET. The chapter was launched on 201407.05 with the USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494 as the Support Ship.
The name “Bellerophon” comes from a mythological character from ancient Greece. He was “the greatest hero and slayer of monsters, alongside Cadmus and Perseus, before the days of Heracles”, whose greatest feat was killing the Chimera, a monster that Homer depicted with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail: “her breath came out in terrible blasts of burning flame.” He was the son of the mortal Eurynome by either her husband Glaucus, or Poseidon.
The initial crew were members of the USS Helen Pawlowski who decided that there was a need for a meeting chapter in the area. Many of the crew lived nearby with others still remaining as correspondence members due to the distance from the chapter. Commander Carol Dyl was elected to lead the chapter as the Commanding Officer and Ashley Walker as the First Officer. These first few months have been devoted to organization of the chapter and setting up a good foundation for the chapter to grow.
The USS Bellerophon has completed her first year as a commissioned chapter of STARFLEET and during that time she has served her community by supporting the Toys for Tots campaign, The Angel Tree Project, Shipped several care packages to soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and conducted several cloths and food drives to help those who are in need with the community.
In August 2016 the chapter relocated from Whiteville, NC (Region 1) to Middletown, RI (Region 15). The USS Bellerophon continued her service to the Fleet and to her community with distinction and sadly on October 31, 2017 by decision of the crew, the USS Bellerophon was decommissioned and the crew were reassigned to other chapters in Task Force 31.
Around January 15, 2020 several previous crewmembers began talking about bringing the USS Bellerophon out of mothball, and with a recent change in the Leadership in Region One (STARFLEET), the plans to bring the USS Bellerophon back began. The USS Bellerophon was relaunched in Task Force 31 on February 1, 2020 and then on June 9, 2020 the USS Bellerophon was relaunched in STARFLEET with her patrol area being Greenville, SC with Ashley Walker as her Commanding Officer.
In August 2022, events in STARFLEET deteriorated when an officer of the STARFLEET IG Office whose actions were completely unprofessional and a violation of a chapter’s members personal rights, the USS Bellerophon voted to again leave STARFLEET and maintain the chapter in Task Force 31. The members whose STARFLEET membership was still active would move that membership to one of the sister chapters that was still active in STARFLEET, while the entire crew remained as crewmembers under the now Task Force 31 Chapter.

Past Chapter Logos
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2014 | 2016 | 2020 |
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2022 |
During this time the USS Bellerophon has had members serve outside the chapter at Sector Level positions.
Past Commanding Officers of the USS Bellerophon
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Captain Carol Dyl (201407.14-201710.31) | Commodore Ashley Walker (202006.09-Present) |