
History-USS Helen Pawlowski

The genealogy history of the USS Helen Pawlowski starts its roots with then Captain Helen Pawlowski and a group of writers and artists who had sent out invitations to meet their group and they were willing to permit Captain Pawlowski to sit in on their meeting.

After learning their general routine, Captain Pawlowski wrote a short script about the effects of budget cuts on Picards’ Enterprise. The group had so much fun with it they asked Captain Pawloski how they could become involved in the star trek fan world, too. The solution? launch our own Shuttle. The result? The Troubadour.

At first Captain Pawlowski tried to contact Bob Hope to see if they might use his name for the chapter but she received no reply so Captain Pawlowski cast about for a name that would indicate that they were formed to “Entertain the troops”-like Hope-but they had a less constricted format. The logo at the time was “The Stars R Us” and their stories and drawings focused more exclusively on Star Trek. The group weighed in on their options and they settled in on lauching their Shuttle from a chapter in Region 12 called the USS Morning Star NCC-4126, an Olympic-Class Hospital Transport under the commanded at the time by Fleet Captain Sherry Anne Newell. The group approached the USS Morning Star crew and requested to shuttle off of them. Thus on May 16, 1995; the Shuttle Troubadour was officially launched and then on 16 February 1996 the Shuttle Troubadour was officially commissioned as the SS Troubadour Station SFR-1202, an Abbe Class Space Station.

As the years past, the crew began to break up, some because of military service had transferred them, others left to join other chapter’s, and some just decided to leave. Some of the original members have risen through the ranks on their new ships and are productive members.

In order for the SS Troubadour Station to retain it’s status as a viable chapter, now Admiral Helen Pawlowski and the remaining crewmembers decided to become a correspondence chapter, open to any otherwise unaffiliated STARFLEET members. As such the SS Troubadour Station was able to survive.

The SS Troubadour Station has launched one Shuttle from her bays, the Shuttle Hekla and later commissioned as the USS Hekla then changed to the USS Saga, located in Region 9 which is the country of Iceland. Years later the chapter decommissioned. The original CO, then Fleet Captain Gudjon Sigmundsson then helped start the USS Thorshammer NCC-74914 serving as the First Officer. Rear Admiral G. Sigmundsson is currently serving as the Region 9 Coordinator.  A future message from Rear Admiral G. Sigmundsson, he would say “Helen was a great supporter of us here in Iceland and helped me and through me all the ships started here in Iceland so she has a long story and the both of us through a long time as she was one of my best friends through most of my time in SFI and guided me as a true “fleet mother” ,The greatest Officer and the best loved woman in SFI.”

In March 2010, then Commodore Paul Dyl, who had served as the First Officer for a short period time before, was now home from his military deployment and resumed the position of First Officer and began a revitalization program of the chapter. Commodore Dyl began a recruitment drive and with in 3 months, had recruited family, friends and anyone he could find that may be interested in Star Trek from a crew of 12 to a crew of 64. Commodore Dyl also revamped the chapter with creating new logos for the chapter and departments, a new chapter t-shirt, new chapter handbook and the re-publication of the chapter newsletter.

Space Station TroubadourSpace Station TroubadourFounding Region
Chapter Logo 2010Chapter Logo 2012Region 12 Logo

On July 28, 2012 our dearest Commanding Officer, Admiral Helen Pawlowski passed away at the age of 90. She served as the chapter Commanding Officer from May 16, 1995 thru July 28, 2012. Admiral Pawlowski’s love of life was inspirational and her legacy will live on for many years to come.

With the passing of Admiral Pawlowski, the Executive Officer, Rear Admiral Paul Dyl assumes command. With this, the chapter is moved from St. Louis, MO (R12) to Whiteville, NC (R1) and LTJG Carol Dyl is appointed as the Executive Officer and promoted to the rank of Commander.

On November 13, 2012, the request by the crew to change the name of the chapter and its class was approved by STARFLEET HQ to the USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494, a Lynx-Class Timeslip Cruiser. This was to honor the beloved Commanding Officer that started this adventure.

By May 2014 the crew size was at 115 and still climbing. Rear Admiral Dyl and his staff realized that the size of the crew growing, that the chapter could not provide proper representation in the region. A crew of 10 members from another chapter could null in void any vote that the USS Helen Pawlowski’s larger crew could support. The time came for the more experienced Department Heads to take their experiences and what they have learned and span out with their own chapters. Starting this was the USS Helen Pawlowski’s second shuttle, the USS George Washington was launched in June 2014 and led by Commander James Nelson and Commodore Michael Timko III. The chapter is based in Jacksonville, NC.  The third shuttle, the USS Bellerophon was launched in July 2014 and led by Commander Carl Dyl and Lieutenant Commander Ashley Walker. The chapter is based in Whiteville, NC as a meeting chapter. The next two shuttles came from the USS Helen Pawlowski but it had been decided that the shuttles would launch from other chapters in the region so that they could gain a different perspective of how other chapters operate, so the first of the two was the USS Liberty which was launched in August 2014 and led by Commander Jessica Reynolds  and Commander Dawn Riddle. The chapter is based in Saint Pauls, NC and launched from the USS Ronald E McNair. The second chapter is the USS Freedom which was also launched in August 2014 and led by Commander Heather Fikes and Commander Eddie Riddle. the chapter is based in Fayetteville, NC and launched from the Station Robert de Bruce. The fourth “official” shuttle is the USS Gallifrey which was launched in January 2015 and led by Commander Katie Staples and Lieutenant Commander Gary Reynolds, however do to personal circumstances Commander Katie Staples had to step down as the CO and Lieutenant Commander Gary Reynolds was elected by the crew as the new CO and Ensign Carl Mogilka as the new First Officer. The chapter is based in Longs, SC. The fifth shuttle is the USS Panther which launched in March 2015 and led by Commander Douglas Kirk and Rear Admiral Michael Timko III (who had been the previous XO for the USS George Washington).

On August 15, 2016, the Commanding Officer; VADM Paul Dyl moved back home to Middletown, RI and with that the entire chapter’s area of operation changed from Region 1 to Region 15.

The chapter continues to live the dream that Gene Roddenberry created and the inspiration and example that ADM Pawlowski lived by.

Many members also participate in our numerous community service activities such as the Campbell Soup Labels for Education, Care packages to our troops overseas, Toys for Tots, and the Christmas Angel Tree.

Previous Chapter Logos

Space Station TroubadourUSS Helen PawlowskiUSS Helen Pawlowski
Chapter Logo 2012Chapter Logo 2013Chapter Logo 2013
USS Helen PawlowskiUSS Helen PawlowskiUSS Helen Pawlowski
Chapter Logo 2014Chapter Logo 2015Chapter Logo 2017 – Present

Previous Commanding Officers of the USS Helen Pawlowski

Admiral Helen PawlowskiAdmiral Paul C Dyl
(199505.16 – 201207.27)(201207.28 – Present)

Shuttle Launches off the USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Chapter NameLaunch DateCommissioned Date
Shuttle Hekla
Shuttle George Washington NX-7374201406.20201504.11
Shuttle Bellerophon NX-74705 (First Commissioning)201407.05201504.15
Shuttle Gallifrey NX-4744391 (First Commissioning)201501.19201510.24
Shuttle Panther NX-74922201503.12201512.31
Shuttle Roger Williams NX-74685201801.30201810.31
Shuttle Rhode Island NX-72701202001.27202010.31
Shuttle Saint Michael NX-97010202106.14202203.14
Shuttle Seawolf NX-74709202109.27202206.01
Shuttle Lynx NX-8491202204.22202209.22
Shuttle Prometheus NX-74913202206.16202211.16
Shuttle Nathaneal Greene NX-86504202207.01202212.01
Shuttle Seadragon NX-59419202209.01202302.01
Shuttle Guardian Angel NX-83003202209.01202302.01
Shuttle Velociraptor NX-74924202209.01202302.01
Shuttle Phoenix Rising NX-71818202209.01202302.01
Shuttle Nomad NX-72382-A202302.06202307.06

During this time the USS Helen Pawlowski has had members serve outside the chapter at Regional and Fleet level positions.

EC Member:

Admiral Helen Pawlowski – Acting SFA Commandant (1996)

Commodore Paul Dyl—SFA Commandant (1996)


Admiral Helen Pawlowski – Vice Commandant SFA (1995-1996)

Admiral Helen Pawlowski – Director Flag Officer School (1995-?)

Admiral Helen Pawlowski – Director Ship’s Counselor School (1995-?)

Commodore Paul Dyl– Director School of Strategy and Tactics (1995-1996)

Vice Admiral Paul Dyl – Assistant Director The Gorn Academy (2015-2020)

Vice Admiral Paul Dyl – Director Flag Officer School (2015-2020)

Vice Admiral Paul Dyl – Director STARFLEET Officer’s Leadership Course (2017-2020)

Vice Admiral Paul Dyl – Assistant Director STARFLEET Academy Degree Program (2017-2020)

Vice Admiral Paul Dyl – Assistant Director STARFLEET Academy Bridge Certification Program (2017-2020)

STARFLEET Marine Corps Academy:

Major General Paul Dyl- Director Infantry Branch (2014-2017)


Admiral Helen Pawlowski– Honorary Vice Regional Coordinator (R12)

Captain Paul Dyl-R1 Quartermaster (1993-1994)

Commodore Paul Dyl-R2 Publicity Officer (2001)

Rear Admiral Paul Dyl-R1 Publications Officer (2013-2014)

Commander Carol Dyl-R1 RDC Paranormal Sciences (2013-2014)

Rear Admiral Paul Dyl-R1 RDC Communications (2013-2014)

Vice Admiral Paul Dyl – R15 Recognition Officer (2017-2018)


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